1. coming home to atlanta for my mother's 60th birthday.
2. my sister is feeling better. i had sweet people like ed, corrie, and the riley twins thinking good thoughts for her. we have the same hands.
3. seeing my sweet boyfriend for a little less than 48 hours.
4. vanilla soft serve ice cream with sea salt and olive oil from star provisions.
5. my mother's reaction when she found me waiting for her with a magnolia cupcake on a plate.
6. ed's brother let me have one of his old westminster baseball caps.
7. visiting westminster with ed. best years of my life.
8. my little sweet sewing basket with painted mushrooms that eddie bought for me.
9. my old trunk and plaid picnic thermoses and basket that i scored while antique-ing with my mother.
and most up-to-date gratitudes...
1. my dear friends at the little marc store who comforted me when i was blue.
2. my kind manager whose kindness made me cry even harder. i am so lucky to work for such a good man.
3. had dinner with liz, chelsea, and haylie at la focaccia. the sweet lady who works there remembered me.
4. haylie bird is in town and it was a perfect excuse to round up some of my favorite girls last night and go to relish(savannah, chelsea, and amy).
5. seeing liz made me miss one of the best things about savannah. god i love @ home. what i would give to be able to just smell the store right now.
6. max took me to the alexander wang afterparty and alexander remembered me!
7. spoke to some darling ladies from lucky magazine. one of the photographers, abby, i had met before at the au revoir simone concert last week! small fashion world.
8. danced with erin wasson, one of my favorite models. beautiful, fun, and quirky. whats more to love?
9. i told max that he reminds me of one of my favorite fashion design professors, john bauernfeind. even pete laughed that only i would manage to find his younger version in nyc.
10. loved coming home to my bed to tell ed about my fun night, knowing one day i will get to come home to him every night.
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