1. slept late.
2. went to the farmers market with chelsea. bought fresh goat cheese, edible flowers, and mesculin greens.
3. had a pretzel croissant, coffee, and farmer's lemonade for breakfast.
4. ate pretty edible flowers(impatiens) for lunch.
5. ran into anderson currie at strand bookstore! such a sweet boy...and pretty easy on the eyes.
6. love you eddie ;)
7. had my trial teeth cleaning and yulia checked my teeth! they feel squeaky clean and free of coffee stains. now i have to make sure to floss at night.
8. went to trader joe's for the first time in a loooooong time and bought groceries to make healthy salads.
9. chelsea's outfit. my favorite coat of hers and a big ole bow on her head.
10. cleaned my room and washed dishes while wearing silver eyeshadow, red lipstick, and loads of glitter. i felt like a woodland nymph.
11. put away my clothes from yesterday and did laundry.
12. organized my bazillion purses/bags. consolidated to my purse and gym bag.
13. put all my spare change in a piggy bank.
14. came up with more ideas for the wedding. sparklers( thank you corrie pellerin) and releasing butterflies(t hank you country living). it's going to be magical.
15. hung out with corrie my love yesterday, for the first time in a long time. it was so nice to catch up and lament the long new york winter.
16. found out one of my best friend's from high school, jessica, got into sotheby's and is moving to nyc very soon.
17. caught up on my correspondence.
18. talked to the love of my life. he's been working out and it's inspiring me to start hitting the gym again. and he's going to be here in 10 days!!!!!
19. went with chelsea to pick out her new cute running shoes.
20. chelsea brought me back an apple cider doughnut.
21. worked on business card design.
22. alyson fox asked me for feedback on her works-in-progress. sort of surreal. never in a million years would i have ever thought that i would correspond with my favorite artists. i can't believe the ladies i look up to are so lovely...i'm blown away.