do you keep them on you? this is mine. i've hesitated to print them because i squirm at the idea of slapping job titles on myself. AND i feel like there are so many things i love to do... style, draw, interview neat folks, rent/sell antique props, play with flowers, design weddings and experiences. not to mention matchmaking, impersonating, and all sorts of tom foolery.
currently i'm working for one of the neatest, wittiest, most charming women i have ever met. annette joseph. she's a photo-styling woman producing and building an empire, which is pretty rad. and she has the loveliest ability of taking a negative and turning it into a positive. and she is the ultimate connector. she networks like she invented the concept. j'adore that. and her.
when people ask how we connected, she replies: "oh ginny stalked me." so true. i like to euphemize with the phrase "politely persistent".
so back to the main question, DO YOU CARRY A CALLING(BUSINESS) CARD ON YOU???? should i start?
how fun!! i love your card!
thanks chelsea :)
but more importantly, do you carry business cards?? YOU do so many things too! doesn't it seems hard to fit it all on one tiny piece of paper?
if I had one that looked like this, I definitely would! Print it!!
Yes! You should. Absolutely. The very hardest things to design are the for ourselves. It seems they have to sum up EVERYthing about us. I am still struggling with this. But the fact is that if someone likes your work, they will ask if you do something that is not on your card. But in order to do this, they have to have a way to contact you.
i carry cards for my humble little blog... even though i don't hand out a ton, they have definitely come in handy! and yours are so cute - why not?!?
Yes you should. No I don't. Not yet, at least!
I take cards with me everywhere. It's easier than scribbling it on a piece of paper every time someone needs your email.
About the titles thing: I have four versions with different titles or no titles at all. But also that's probably because I have a letterpress and its easy to make them.
jordan: THAT IS SO SMART! i should have remembered miss amy merrick's d*s post about it...
ok, that's settled. i'll print options!
Yes you should start! Especially if your using this card, the design is beautiful! :) x
Hi Ginny!
I do. I think business cards are beautifully handy. And I often wish I had them on me on those days I meet interesting people, talk about my little love business, reach into my purse, and then realize I left them at home. And the card (its design, colors, website info, etc.) can say so much about who you are and what kind of story you tell with your work and talents.
Ginny, I think this card is gorgeous. Love the soft colors and bold, beautiful fonts. It tells a lovely story!
Yes..you have too. I love your card--such vintagey character (just created that word)
Annette is styling my home next month for BH & G...can't wait to see what kind of magic she'll create. Looking forward to meeting you at Lavish.
ginny~ you are too kind, and i am happy to print you cards~ Natalie has cards as should you. although i live this card...you decide.xo
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